Category: Everything Else

  • Epiphany, January 6, 2024

    Hi everyone! Was just reading an obscure but delightful little book entitled God Exists, by Reverend Raymond Smith, O.P., Ph.D. , copyright 1959. He goes through the various proofs for God’s existence and he just did the “angelic doctor’s” (Aquinas’) proof from motion. I was struck by the tautologousness (trueness by definition) of the premises.…

  • New Year’s Day 2024

    Hi everyone! I am reading today about the contemporary argument from design, the argument that creatures or “critters” (to not beg the question) are far too complex to have evolved without some nudging from an intelligence. And who is the intelligence? You guessed it, God.

  • Day after Christmas

    Christmas was lovely with my Mom and Dad’s house full of people opening presents, and three little ones providing entertainment with their toys. Today Tommy, Kathy, Roscoe and I are going out to the art museum, and we may see Degas’ laundresses or we may see South Yangtze art or both. Playing Uno with Charissa,…

  • Some Christmas thoughts

    I think most of us accept that God required the death of his Son as a sacrifice for our sins, but that we wonder why God required such a sacrifice. Why, for example, why not simply forgive us for our sins, without the painful death of Jesus required? Many thoughts crowd in: God is perfectly…

  • Christmas at 12:45 a.m.

    Merry Christmas one and all! And good luck to Santa as he delivers his packages! Tonight I watched the second half of The Wizard of Oz, and A Christmas Story, which I had forgotten was so good. In fact it’s still going on, and poor Ralphie just broke his glasses. Oh, I see, I am…

  • Christmas Eve

    Hi everyone! My 4-day rest is coming to a gentle end as I watched the Browns led by Joe Flacco win over the Houston Texans, 36-22. I rarely watch football for long as it is so violent, but I watched today and am glad that the Browns are now 10-5. Wow! And have made the…

  • 2 days before Christmas

    Hi everyone, am watching an interesting show about extraterrestrial visitations. To be honest, I hope that these stories are not true and that God just brought us into existence here on Planet Earth using the materials at hand. I missed Chrissy’s excellent party last night because I was overcome again with tiredness, but I wake…

  • 4 days before Christmas

    Hi everyone! I am resting today from cleaning my room. It is nice to just be, not having anything to do, and remembering that God has promised us eternal life. Which is really what we want, isn’t it? Eternal life, with our loved ones and all the to-be-loved ones we will get to know in…

  • 5 days before Christmas

    Today I cleaned my room, looked at my grades which were as good as they can be, and huddled under my new down comforter. Cleaning my room was a big triumph. All my 12 library books are accounted for, and we are getting in the Christmas spirit. Tomorrow I will probably read a book entitled…

  • End of Finals Week

    It is Friday of Finals Week, and all my in-class finals are over, and I am just analyzing Bach’s “Sleepers, Wake!” for my music theory class. It is actually fun to do. Wondering what I’ll get in Ear Training; next Wednesday I’ll know. Roscoe and I were waylaid last Monday by a small shaving cut;…