Category: Everything Else

  • End of the semester

    Well, it’s truly been long since I’ve written. I wound up with 5 A’s, 1 B, and 2 incompletes. That’s what I get for taking eight classes and an informal 9th class over at Case! I am crazy about “The Old Castle” from Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. I am playing it on piano and…

  • End of March

    It’s been a long time since I have written, but I have had a great time. Yesterday was the first round of the Cleveland International Piano Competition, and I saw some excellent pianists at Gamble Auditorium in Berea, Ohio. Eileen came with me and brought lunch. I love the ladies’ dresses. But the music, yes,…

  • March 8, 2024

    Today is my Uncle Johnny’s 80th birthday – hurrah! I did an interview of my piano professor and turned in the final draft today. I learned a lot doing this interview and writing the profile with the “dominant impression” that goes with it. Every discipline, even English, can teach us something. Last night Melody and…

  • End of February

    Greetings, everyone! A busy month has passed by and I am getting over a sickness. Thank you loyal followers for sticking with me! I finally played all the way through Wedding Day at Troldhaugen. Will post more soon. Happy 29th of February tomorrow!!

  • Groundhog Day

    Greetings everyone! I like the movie Groundhog Day, and I wouldn’t mind repeating today for a period of time. Tomorrow is a math test, and I have studied very much for it. I am working on the first two-part invention of Bach, the one in C major which is generally considered the easiest one, and…

  • January 28, 2024

    We are learning about Euler paths and circuits and Hamilton paths and circuits in Contemporary Mathematics. I am still working on the first two pages of Wedding Day at Troldhaugen, and trying to get into the Berceuse, an earlier lyric piece of Grieg’s. At Tri-C I am still working on Beethoven Piano Sonata #20 second…

  • Snow Day

    What a pleasant time of the winter for a snow day! January 19, 2024. Right smack in the middle of winter, and poor people everywhere are contending with the elements. I am reading The Norton Field Guide to Writing, and learning more active ways to read, such as all-pro and all-con, and writing things in…

  • Yellow alert

    Well, I just read about William Dembski’s life on his website, and I see that I’d better be hush-hush about my interest in Intelligent Design, because it can get you expelled even from Christian institutions, not to mention secular ones. I know it’s science and not pseudoscience but it is too fledgling and I can’t…

  • The Eighth of January

    I almost caught a fish! Someone emailed me about piano lessons, but then decided to take them at Tri-C. Just sitting around today thinking about the week to come and reading more Dembski. Hope everybody is doing well, and will catch up with you later.

  • Day after epiphany

    Today our reverend said the word “homage” about four times, in reading about how the three wise men did “homage” to the Baby Jesus. Now in French, the initial “h” is not pronounced, but I believe in English it should be, homidj, or some such phonetic spelling. I have to admit this is one of…