Snow Day

What a pleasant time of the winter for a snow day! January 19, 2024. Right smack in the middle of winter, and poor people everywhere are contending with the elements.

I am reading The Norton Field Guide to Writing, and learning more active ways to read, such as all-pro and all-con, and writing things in the margins, otherwise known as annotating. It may help me to have this introductory English course. One thing for sure: it exercises my online course abilities.

I played the first two pages of Grieg’s Wedding Day at Troldhaugen. I’m awaiting Ravel’s Mother Goose Suite, which I will play with a classmate as soon as it comes to my porch from the great Amazon.

Being out in the elements a bit myself this week, I have learned to treasure the warmth of the indoors.

Have a great day, everyone!

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