Day after epiphany

Today our reverend said the word “homage” about four times, in reading about how the three wise men did “homage” to the Baby Jesus. Now in French, the initial “h” is not pronounced, but I believe in English it should be, homidj, or some such phonetic spelling. I have to admit this is one of my few pet peeves.

But what was interesting is that the three wise men had a dream not to return to Herod. God depended on dreams quite a bit–Joseph’s dream to take Mary as his wife, and the three wise men’s dream come to mind.

Today my sister Chrissy made us a chicken pot pie and Rick delivered it, and it was delicious. We were very well nourished today.

I took a day off from reading but am reading William Dembski about intelligent design. I don’t know if we need particular examples of intelligent design, such as the amazing birds of paradise, to bolster the overall point that this whole shebang the universe is the product of design. However it happened, there was a God behind it.

Will continue on another day. Good night!

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